Leading At The Next Level

Leading At The Next Level

Hosted by: Dove Development & Consulting

As the show built to provide ongoing support for YOUR leadership journey, Leading At The Next Level serves as a real-time resource for addressing some of the biggest and more relevant issues any leader will face - in...

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Developing a Strong Recruiting Pipeline

Any way we slice it, recruiting great candidates to join our team comes with a price tag! When we’re forced to recruit constantly because the business is growing, it’s hard enough—especially in a world where those...
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How Great Leadership Improves the Recruiting Process

Earlier, I mentioned starting a job on March 12, 1996, that I thought would get me through college and how much that organization invested into hiring forty of the one thousand or so candidates who applied. I didn’t...
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The Cost of Constant Recruiting

Having just wrapped up our look at how high turnover kills so much of an organization’s profitability, it makes sense to shift our focus to the costs involved with recruiting. If we can provide our best team members...
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Give Them a Reason to Stay

Now that we’ve identified some of the causes of turnover, specifically the reasons great team members leave an organization voluntarily and the high costs associated with that voluntary turnover, and we’ve looked at...
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The Extended Reach of Turnover Costs

The high cost of turnover shows up on a balance sheet because it’s a considerable profitability killer. Still, a company’s bank account isn’t the only thing that takes a hit when great team members are making...
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The Cost of High Turnover

Over the last several years, I’ve frequently referenced this study: According to a Gallup study, “The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that the U.S. voluntary turnover rate is 23.4% annually. It’s generally...
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Breaking the Golden Rule

Once we’ve come to terms with just how high the cost of poor communication can be and how any poor communication skills in our organizations add fuel to other fires that are killing our profitability, we have plenty...
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Adding Fuel to the Fire

The cost of poor communication is impacting enough organizations that it’s become quite a hot topic. I found a separate article on Inc.com called “Costs of Poor Communication Reach $37 Billion. Avoid Disconnects by...
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The Cost of Poor Communication

If we’re serious enough about capturing our best return to invest the energy into building a leadership culture that starts from the top and cascades throughout our organization, we’ll have a solid start toward...
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Capturing Your Best Return

Several years ago, I asked a client struggling to attract and retain good team members why they treated their customers so well but didn’t extend that same treatment to their employees. This client, the company’s...
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Changing the Approach

If we want to have an exponential impact, there’s no other option than to buy into the idea that it all starts at the top! While there will certainly still be plenty of hard days, changing our approach will be one of...
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It All Starts at the Top

For more than twenty years now, I’ve heard John Maxwell emphasize that “EVERYTHING rises and falls on leadership.” I even remember when Uncle Ben gave similar counsel to Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, saying, “With...
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