Elevate Your Team

Elevating your team is about lifting them up through your leadership. A snapshot of what lifting others through leadership should look like, is below and can be found in the book, 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork.

With good leadership, everything improves.  Leaders are lifters.  They...

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The Key to Success

The Law of the Edge states that the difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. Leadership is the key to success!

Chapter 15 begins by reminding us that teams always look for an edge. Sports teams create new plays to outsmart their opponents and win games. They trade for what...

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Are We Really Listening?

OK, it’s time for complete transparency… How often have you asked someone how they’re doing and prayed their response was limited to just one word? So maybe you didn’t come to a complete stop and get done on one knee, but I’m guessing you’ve definitely had a...

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The Goal, Not the Role

The Law of the Big Picture says, the goal is more important than the role.

Leaders at the highest level understand the Law of the Big Picture. Think of winning teams throughout history and how they came together to defeat their opponents. Maybe it was a football game or a winning team at work...

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Being Part of Something that Matters

I can’t think of anyone I know who doesn’t want to be part of something that matters, something bigger than themselves. We can all think of folks who believe they’re owed something, and say they work harder just as soon as they’re paid what they deserve, but I’m...

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Connecting with Our Childhood Dreams

Finding clarity in a purpose that fulfills us through even the toughest issues we deal with as leaders will require a definite answer to the question Why do you do what you do? Like the vast majority of people I know, the field I ended up in for the bulk of my adult life had very little to do...

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Core Values Matter

I (Cindy) gave an example recently in How to Build Company Culture of organizations many of us have read about or lived through where organizational values were neglected and the outcomes were tragic.   Maybe you remember Enron, or the Exxon Valdez oil spill, or maybe in the news today!


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Why Shared Values Matter

In looking at turnover rates and profitability of organizations, it's hard to miss the continuing trend towards companies needing and seeking a better culture.  The good news is there’s increased interest in serving well from the values statement we have on our walls.  The bad...

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What? How? And Definitely WHY?!

I closed the last blog by referencing something I heard John Maxwell share recently, “Not investing in your team is short-cutting yourself as a leader,” then I challenged you to think about what tasks you’re still hanging onto that could really be passed on to someone on your...

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Busier Than We’ve Ever Been!

Before we dive into a topic that I’m sure will resonate with anyone who invests the time to read this message and the few that follow, I have no choice but to share an update about the 2020 LIVE2LEAD:Harrisonburg SEASON!!! In addition to the in-person, Executive Summit format event...

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How Do You Play the Game?

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on August 11, 2020.

In the LinkedIn article I published yesterday, I referenced the origins of a quote I had already attributed to Vince Lombardi. We’ve likely all heard some type of reference to the idea of “it’s not whether we...

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An Entire Team of Opportunity Finders!

Originally shared in A Daily Dose Of Leadership on July 9, 2020.

Napoleon Hill once said, “I have also discovered that there comes with every experience of temporary defeat, and every failure and every form of adversity, the seed of an equivalent benefit. Mind you, I did not say the full...

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