The Key to Success

direction keys to leadership success keys to success leadership leadership suceess potential preparation success team Jun 17, 2024

The Law of the Edge states that the difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. Leadership is the key to success!

Chapter 15 begins by reminding us that teams always look for an edge. Sports teams create new plays to outsmart their opponents and win games. They trade for what they believe are better players or recruit new talent in hopes of winning championships, and sometimes to avoid dissolving their franchise.

John Maxwell explains it like this:

Businesses invest in the latest technology to improve productivity. Companies switch ad agencies and hire new ones to launch campaigns in order to gain an edge over major competitors. Corporations try out the latest management trends as if they are searching for a good movie on TV. Everyone is looking for the magic formula for success. The more competitive the field, the more relentless the search.

We have consistently seen this happen!

Many times we have been asked...what's the secret? How are some companies seemingly moving forward without the same level of problems I am facing? Are they experiencing challenges that we are unaware of? Are they retaining employees better, have better work ethics, or producing higher quality than us? Then the question arises, what is their key to success? Is it talent? Hard work? Technology? Efficiency? Training? Then we conclude that a team needs all of these things to succeed, but it needs more than that. It needs leadership. You can have all these elements in place, but without leadership, you will eventually have a disaster.

Here is the framework we need to focus on:

- Personnel determine the potential of the team.

- Vision determines the direction of the team.

- Work ethic determines the preparation of the team.

- Leadership determines the success of the team.

Everything depends on leadership. If a team has great leadership, then it can acquire everything else it needs to reach the highest level.