The 2025 LeadershipLegacy Experience
Ā Friday, June 13, 2025
Atlantic Union Bank Center
How We Deliver Results
Whether it’s a large group or a small executive team, our objective is to always provide practical tools that can be applied quickly and simply so the entire organization achieves a tangible return on investment!
In addition to the curriculum we’ve put together based on nearly 50 years of combined experience, as well as the world-class content we’re licensed to deliver, we put very intentional thought into each possible way we can position the organization’s we work with in positive light with their current team members, perspective team members, customers and clients, and the community they serve.
In any economy, developing a reputation for being best-in-class matters! When the right tools are in place, an organization is easily recognized as such by everyone they potentially impact. Not only do we build each lesson to offer applicable action steps to every participant, we’re also very intentional about working with our clients to shine a spotlight on the investment they’ve made in their team members so they’re providing a level of service that’s unmatched in their respective industries!
If you’re looking to create an atmosphere that attracts the best and brightest in your field, to develop a culture where engagement and productivity are constantly reaching new all-time highs, and an environment that your top performers would never dream of leaving, rest assured that we build tools for each of these into everything we do!
Total Leadership Solutions
Our Tailored Programs Support Leaders at ALL Stages
In addition to providing real world lessons that can be immediately applied, we focus on helping every individual and organization we serve identify the specific behavioral steps they will take to capture Ā a measurable increase in profitability through multiple areas.
Want to Learn How Your Communication Style Impacts the Way You Lead?
While we offer multiple versions of scientifically validated reports from our assessments, the Leadership Assessment is our most recommended option for current and aspiring leaders. It not only provides your assessment results, but also includes a personalized 65 page Personality Performance Profile Report to help you lead effectively based upon your own style and helps teach you how to adapt to the style of those you lead.
Although there's no such thing as a "good" or "bad" leadership style based upon your personality (in spite of common misconceptions), effective leadership requires each leader to truly understand their own style and the style of those they lead. You will receive immediate access to take your assessment upon purchase and will receive your results as soon as you complete the assessment. It typically takes around 15-20 minutes to complete.
Complete Your Own Leadership AssessmentA Daily Dose Of Leadership
Built to Serve Your Leadership Journey!
What's KILLING Your Profitability?
(It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!)
Develop a clear understanding of how much profit is lost and how you can effectively get it back in ten critical areas of your business through Wes's newest book and the supplemental resources we've created to go with it...
Our Portfolio of Services
Improving Your Profitability By Building Better Leaders!
Check Out Our Book on Effective Communication
Discover Your Team's Potential
Proven Principles to Help Engage Your Team & Improve Performance
Dove Development & Consulting, LLC is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CPĀ® or SHRM-SCPĀ®.
HR CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE Hereby Certifies That Dove Development & Consulting, LLC Is An HR Certification Institute Recertification Provider And Is Authorized To Use The "Recertification Provider" Seal With HR-Related Continuing Education Workshops and Seminars.
Dove Development & Consulting has also worked with the Virginia Department of Labor to get all courses approved to count toward the classroom hour requirement for registered apprenticeship programs.