How Can You Answer the Cry for Help?

Make no mistake, knowing what our team members are looking for from us is not terribly complicated! They will make a point of telling us. That will generally (but not always) be direct and verbal early in our process of working to earn leadership with them, but it will get harder and harder to hear and see if we’re not responsive. And if we allow them to go unheard long enough, we may have the opportunity to learn firsthand just how much profitability is killed by being seen as a bad leader!

In any industry, one of the most important things we can do as leaders is to ensure we’re tuned into how to serve our teams best. I’ve shared it before, but it’s worth revisiting now. I loved hearing Dave Ramsey explain the difference between servant leadership and subservient leadership during his talk at a Live2Lead event several years ago. He said that far too many supervisors and managers view servant leadership as doing things for their teams that they could and should be doing themselves, when that’s actually subservient leadership. He went on to explain that the best way a leader can serve their people is by doing things they cannot do for themselves and that those things often allow the team members to be even more effective in their own roles.

Here’s where that ties directly back to knowing what our team members are looking for: We must learn as much about each of our them as possible. In doing that, we can recognize their communication style, know what gives them fulfillment, and understand what they may struggle with. And when we have that foundation, we can hear what they’re asking for, whether it’s a direct question or shown through their behavior. In either case, it’s a leader’s responsibility to support their team. If those initial requests turn into cries for help, we’d better already have the process started.

Some things we’ll need to do to support our team members will vary from person to person, while some will likely serve the entire team. Either way, we’ll need to be just as intentional about making sure they see and understand that support as we are about just providing it. I’ve seen way too many scenarios where a leader thinks their team knows what they’re doing to help, but the team is growing even more frustrated because they aren’t aware of what is going on. The disconnect in those cases is nearly always from limited communication!

As simple as it may seem—and I know it will require more of that time we don’t have enough of—we can earn more trust and influence by ensuring our team members know we’ve heard their requests. While we’ll be able to address some right away and others over time, some things will also be out of our control. Even then, we’d better ensure our team members know we’ve heard them, or they may soon look for someone else who will.

Once we’ve developed a reputation for answering cries for help, a few other simple steps can tie it all together.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!