The Art of Leadership Learning: Value the Process

If you’re not sure how difficult and even awkward it is to unlearn and relearn something then try writing with your non-dominant hand. (an exercise we provide in a session describing growth and change.)

It was Alvin Toffler, an American Businessman and Author who said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write.  But those who do not learn, unlearn, and relearn.”  We call this layered learning.  10 years ago or even yesterday, you may have learned something you thought was the absolute truth…or at least the best way you knew of.  And then your perspective changed or you learned something that made you realize you were wrong.  You had to unlearn how you previously did things or saw things since you had increased and more accurate knowledge.  

I’ve heard Wes explain it this way with communication, “I used to think Cindy asked questions all the time because she was questioning me.  Now, after learning communication styles and what her communication style is… I know she is asking questions seeking to understand but not to question me.”  

I learned that Wes needed less details and more bullet points.  I’m working to unlearn the way I was communicating with him and learn to communicate in bullet points which is very hard for me.  I have to intentionally work on this and put in the energy to be a better communicator.

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