The Art of Leadership Learning: Outside Growth, Inside Growth

The art of leadership learning is the intuitive piece of gaining the right skills to lead effectively.  It’s not the Science of Leadership although we’ll talk about that, it’s the Art of Leadership (specific to how we can learn at a high level). These skills enable you to see ahead further than others may see, to not only learn leadership but apply what you learn for guaranteed growth, and to consistently identify the next area (or several areas) you need to grow in, to best lead the people you serve. But it doesn’t stop there!  When you engage in The Art of Leadership Learning, you duplicate leaders because you develop and grow people.

If you want the Science of Leadership - go read the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership & the 5 levels of leadership.  These laws give us a roadmap, a science, a predictable path to leadership.

We also have to work on the art of leadership which is the intuitive piece of leading. The art is the intuition, reading the room, sensing your audience - whatever team you are with - to be more effective. The art of leading is sensing what your team needs and being correct about that when you act on it. 

As always, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check our how Dove Development & Consulting can help increase your profitability by building better leaders through a tailored approach to Total Leadership Solutions.