How Effective Leadership Drives Employee Engagement

By this point, we should have a solid understanding of how much profitability is being killed in our respective organizations by just an average number of employees who aren’t actively engaged. But knowing the issue exists and having a plan for addressing it are two VERY different things! We’ll wrap up this look at the cost of disengaged employees with a few very practical steps any leader can take to begin capturing that lost profitability. Before we work through HOW, though, let’s think about WHY it matters, not why it matters to our bottom line but to each team member.

Think long and hard about the kind of leadership you’d need to deliver that “57% improvement in discretionary effort” that the HBR study I referenced before suggests. Let’s be honest when considering this—it’s a huge statement! This isn’t a factor of someone already performing at 100 percent capacity simply dialing it up a few notches to give it 157 percent; there’s no such thing.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!