Changing the Approach

If we want to have an exponential impact, there’s no other option than to buy into the idea that it all starts at the top! While there will certainly still be plenty of hard days, changing our approach will be one of the most critical things we do in addressing our profitability killers—especially in the highest-risk areas!

In mid-2018, Cindy and I had decided to build an “executive summit” onto the tail end of what was already a packed leadership development event we were hosting. This session was geared at putting local business owners and high-level executives in a small room together where we facilitated roundtable discussions around particular leadership topics that had been addressed earlier throughout the day. We were intentional about who we invited to be part of this session. The main event had around 200 participants from seventy or so companies, but this final ninety-minute segment would be pared down to at most fifty. We worked through the complete list of attendees and identified the ones with the level of responsibility we were targeting for this type of interaction. In talking with each of them one-on-one about the value that this exclusive session could provide them, the most common response we received was that they had never seen an opportunity to be with a group of their peers where the sole focus was on leadership. Many of them were part of industry-focused peer groups, but none of those had carved out specific time to dial in on developing how they led their organizations. From those conversations and that first “executive summit” session, our Executive Leadership Elite Think Tank (ELETT for short) was born!

Based on a clear need we saw in putting together that executive summit session, we went to work immediately in crafting the criteria for something we could do for local business owners and executives that would help them key in our building best-in-class leadership cultures in their respective organizations, showing measurable return on the time and money they invested in being part of the group while creating stronger business relationships with their peers in other industries. I’d love to go down a rabbit hole here and tell you all the fantastic things we’ve seen from this group since, or even how it’s grown into a model we can offer on-site for our larger clients, but I won’t. I will stress one of the primary things we’ve held as a core principle for membership in that group: a strategic focus on leading rather than just supervising or managing the teams each member is responsible for. We set some criteria to serve as a baseline for the size of team each participant has, primarily based on a scene from The Princess Bride, where there’s a comment that goes something like this, “You can’t fight five men the same way you fight one man.”

We were less interested in the organization’s size or total revenue than in ensuring each individual in that group had a heart for leadership. I’ve been around folks who managed facilities with hundreds of employees and did hundreds of millions in annual revenue but couldn’t lead silent prayer! The team members in those organizations were there for a paycheck, and when a comparable salary was offered elsewhere, that’s where they went. I’ve also had the pleasure of watching individuals with a primary goal of serving their team and the clients who did business with them, and I’ve seen many of those organizations grow exponentially!

If we want to have the best possible impact throughout our organizations and effectively deal with the things that kill so much profitability, we’ll need to change the approach from just managing the processes and procedures to leading the individuals engaged in those processes and procedures. I’m not advocating that we no longer need to manage; a healthy mix can make all the difference.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!