A Simple Solution

Over the last twenty years, I’ve developed an intense appreciation for world-class chiropractic care. Don’t jump ship on me here... Hear me out! I’m not referring to the Homer Simpsons of the industry who we’d never need to tell “less yacking and more cracking.” I’m talking about the absolute experts in the field who are genuinely dialed in on identifying the underlying issues causing the problem rather than throwing opiates at the problem—like so many MDs have been doing for far too long!

In late 2005, I was in a pretty nasty wreck. I was able to walk out of the emergency room after a series of X-rays, albeit in quite a bit of pain, but the ER doc handed me one of those little sheets of paper for some sort of cocktail that would have prevented me from operating heavy equipment for the foreseeable future. I wasn’t running any such equipment then, but you get the point. Rather than getting the prescription filled, I called in a favor with my friend who owned a chiropractic practice and headed straight there. He immediately found the root cause of my pain and started working toward resolution. I won’t pretend he fixed me in one visit or even ten. I was hit head-on by a kid going more than sixty miles per hour (in a thirty-five-mph zone) and had one of the nastiest cases of whiplash my friend had ever dealt with. Although the cure wasn’t immediate, his approach to fixing the problem rather than masking the symptoms kept me from what likely could have ended in opioid addiction, and he helped me get stronger through the process!

With that example in mind, let’s tie it back to what’s killing your profitability and consider why that approach matters if you want to have even the slightest chance of finding the right prescription… In more scenarios than I can count, I’ve seen companies jump on the latest thing being touted as the holy grail for improving organizational performance. Just like there was a time when prescribing multiple oxy refills seemed the right thing to do because of the significant immediate effect, any proposed solution for capturing that lost profit can feel necessary if we’ve had enough money slip through our fingers. But we’re likely just treating a symptom without identifying the root cause. And that root cause so frequently ties back to poor leadership in one area or another.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!