The Right Prescription

The Right Prescription

Once we come to terms with the fact that our organization is almost certainly leaving money on the table, the most natural and frequent response I’ve seen a business owner or executive take is to jump right into identifying exactly which things are killing their profit and taking swift action to implement a cure. While this is a typical approach, it’s not necessarily the right approach.

It’s a rare occasion today where someone can say, “I don’t have access to the information I need,” and it is a valid excuse. If anything, we carry more information than we could ever apply; well, at least access to that much knowledge through our cell phones. And there are plenty of people who are willing to offer their opinion. The key to achieving the results we’re after, especially when stopping the bleeding where profit is concerned, lies in determining what’s genuinely causing our issues.

I learned to change the oil in a car before I had a driver’s license, and I’m sure I could still do it more than three decades later. That said, there’s not a scenario that exists today where I’m going to try. I also know my way around the electrical panel box in our house, so I could probably replace a light switch or outlet if push comes to shove. And when we replaced our roof a few years ago, I didn’t mind climbing the ladder to be part of the process. But in none of those cases did it make sense to try to do it all myself. Nor am I willing to trust just anyone to do it for me! The primary value I’ve gotten through having experts do each of those things isn’t just in avoiding the physical labor; I could make a strong case for needing more! The real juice from each squeeze is in having a trained eye perform each task and recognize any potential issues that may be related to the task, whether right away or months down the road.

The same idea holds true for having a solid relationship with a family physician who understands our medical history. We can run into a doc-in-a-box most any time of day, let them poke and prod a bit, and walk out with a piece of paper for just about anything we want. But if they don’t have access to our file, that fifteen-syllable word scribbled on the paper may not play well with our other meds or a pre-existing condition. If it’s the right prescription we’re after, we’d do well to see someone who knows us and is an expert in their field.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!