What's Killing Your Profitability?


Organizations of all sizes invest significant amounts of time, money, and energy in improving their processes with hopes of becoming more profitable. Sometimes this is based on the goal of becoming best-in-class, but sometimes it is just to stay competitive with customers or to attract talent. All too often, though, the things that can have the most immediate impact on profitability (as well as the lives of everyone involved) are overlooked or entirely written off because those things are considered to be intangible. What are those things? Those are the skills needed to build an organizational culture that produces world-class results and makes the best people in your respective industry beg to be part of your team! Those skills tie back to a word that’s frequently misused: leadership…

If you’re responsible for the results of a team, be it a small department or a giant organization, there’s never a shortage of issues demanding your attention. With more than three decades of experience covering multiple industries, I can share one thing with absolute certainty. If you genuinely care about running a profitable company, the investment you make into becoming an effective leader and building a team of solid leaders around you will yield a higher return on investment than any other thing I’ve seen. And that investment alone will play a critical role in driving better results in any other initiative your team puts in place!

If we want to have any hope of capturing even the slightest bit of the profit we’re currently throwing away by not developing the most authentic influence we possibly can with our teams and eliminating all the waste that’s so often tied to miscommunication, we need to have an extremely clear picture of the specific behaviors we’ll need to implement. Having a plan can serve as a decent starting point, but putting it to paper will likely be the easiest part. If we’re not absolutely sure of how we’ll take action, even the best plan won’t amount to much.

For more on this, you're welcome to reach out to us directly at [email protected] to get a 45 Day Trial Access to our COMPLETE Leading At The Next Level program or you can check out Wes's recently released book, What's KILLING Your Profitability? (It ALL Boils Down to Leadership!) that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon!