It ALL Starts With You!

With perspective for just how much power a clear purpose has had for me and Cindy over the last 25 years, how we’ve had to continuously hone that purpose, and how the clarity we developed has allowed us to intentionally chase that purpose, I believe it’s my responsibility to challenge...

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The First Glimpse of Our Purpose

While doing all I could to fulfill my responsibility in the Lean Manufacturing process rollout, I stayed very involved in the behavior-based safety process I was a part of while I was still operating a press. In this role though, I was able to be more hands-on in supporting the new process...

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Career Planning with Purpose

When we recognize and understand the purpose that drives each of our team members, and we’ve been able to determine how they’re most interested in working to achieve, the work we can do as leaders to help them in that process can become as rewarding as nearly anything else we do! I...

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Moving Toward Their Purpose: SERVANT Leadership

John sharing the perspective on work/life harmony - rather than work/life balance - opened up a whole new world to me. Working hard, and working a lot, wasn’t something I should be ashamed of. And I wasn’t putting myself at risk of burnout, like far too many people suggest as the...

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Sustainability for Pursuing Their Purpose

To build a purpose driven organization and to provide our team members with clarity around purpose driven work, part of our leadership responsibility is indeed to become extremely effective at connecting the most monotonous work to something monumental! OK, I realize that likely seems a bit...

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It ALL Matters; Connecting Monotony to Monumental

A year or so before I left the manufacturing company I had worked with for nearly my entire adult life, the corporate office launched a campaign that segmented the organization into two distinct business units. Truth be told, this wasn’t anything new; it’s more about branding than...

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Identifying Their Approach

Once we’ve been intentional about adjusting the pace we use to help each of our team members latch onto a purpose that drives them and yields engagement, we can shift our attention to the second piece of the pattern that Marston identified; is our team member more focused on the task at...

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Following a Pattern

As we work to verbalize a purpose each of our team members find fulfillment in and connect with, something they can rally around as a genuine purpose in their life, it won’t be as simple as throwing the proverbial mud against the wall and hoping something sticks. This will require us to be...

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We Canā€™t Treat Them All the Same

One of the things that Cindy and I enjoy most about customizing our Emerging Leader Development course for many of the bigger clients we work with has been providing them with the tools to communicate more effectively with each individual on their team. As we teach them how to quickly recognize...

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Pay + Purpose = Profit, and Even Better Pay

I remember the first time an engineer showed up at the press I was operating to perform a time study. I was terrified! I hadn’t been with the organization very long and had to work as hard as I possibly could just to hit my daily efficiency numbers. I was convinced that this spelled the end...

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Purpose Can Be Powerful, But It Wonā€™t Replace Pay

I hope I’ve done a reasonable job of making a case for why it ain’t (just) about the pay and how important it is for all of us to be a part of something that matters. A strong purpose is absolutely critical; for our organizations, for us as leaders, and for each member of our teams!...

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