Leading Everyday, On Purpose!

That last question was NOT rhetorical! Are you really willing to go the extra mile to identify the clear purpose that drives you? Are you really willing to provide the kind of clarity around your organization’s purpose that each team member understands how the work they do contributes and...

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Achieving Purpose: Success in Work and in Life

Building purpose into any career path we help a team member pursue can provide a tremendous amount of fulfillment - for them and for us! Over time, the work we do to delegate tasks that provide them with exposure and build their overall skill set will also help us use our own time more...

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Measuring Your Results

I’ll share this thought with you one last time:

“Organizations of all sizes invest significant amounts of time, money, and energy on improving their processes with hopes of becoming more profitable. Sometimes this is based on a goal of becoming best-in-class but sometimes it is just...

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Driving Long Term Results

Whether it’s been through the customized approach to Developing Effective Trainers that I just explained or any of the other resources that Cindy and I have developed to helping leaders address the things that are killing profitability in their businesses or teams, we’ve always worked...

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Expansive Leader Development, Driving Engagement!

Whether there’s an exemplary top-down approach throughout the organization we’re a part of or not, each of us will be able to achieve better results within our own areas of leadership responsibility when we earn genuine buy-in from the team reporting to us! This particular thing, as...

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Improving YOUR Profitability By Building Better Leaders

I want to circle back to what I shared with you as we began this look at What’s Killing Your Profitability

“Organizations of all sizes invest significant amounts of time, money, and energy on improving their processes with hopes of becoming more profitable. Sometimes this is...

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Providing Support for Long Term Results

Setting crystal-clear objectives for the changed behaviors we need to see after training and the results those behaviors should be yielding is certainly critical but stopping there will still leave quite a bit of profitability left unclaimed! A stark reality every leader will need to face is that...

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Clear Objectives for Measurable Results

When we worked through how confusion can kill profitability, the focus was based on how setting clear expectations for performance could have a direct impact on how and when things got done. To make sure that even the most targeted and best delivered training truly ensures growth, in our...

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Making Sure Training Ensures Growth

When we’ve done the work to provide the right training, understanding that not just any training will help us capture lost profitability, we should be seeing the results show up immediately - through how our team members get things accomplished and in our bottom line! Here’s how an...

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The Value of Getting it Right

Whether it’s the technical skills a new team member needs just to become competent in our respective industry, the leadership skills that are so very needed for anyone with responsibility for getting results through a team of people, or even the skills that are critical for our best...

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The Right Message From the Right Personā€¦

I won’t speak for you but it sure seems like my parents became exponentially smarter as I moved from my late teens/early twenties to being an adult who had to be responsible. So much more of the advice they gave me resonated and could be immediately applied! I just can’t understand...

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Not Just Any Training Will Doā€¦

To this point, we’ve looked at a number of profitability killers that are affecting nearly every business. Through this process, I’ve been intentional about making a case for how effective leadership - while often viewed as something soft or intangible - can make an immediate and...

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