As we started looking at How to be More Productive, I shared what I thought was a great example of how impactful systems can be in helping us knock out even the most dreaded tasks - like cleaning the kitchen… We also started looking at why productivity gets so much of our attention, the...
In the last blog, I shared a story with you that still makes me squirm a bit. It seemed like every minute of every day was packed as full as I could possibly handle. From the time I walked in my office, usually around 6a, until I left for the evening around 6:30 or 7p, I ran as hard as I could...
Before we dive into a topic that I’m sure will resonate with anyone who invests the time to read this message and the few that follow, I have no choice but to share an update about the 2020 LIVE2LEAD:Harrisonburg SEASON!!! In addition to the in-person, Executive Summit format event...