Everyone Matters to Recruitment & Retention

Surely you’ve heard or maybe even experienced this statement before: People Quit People, Not Companies.

John Maxwell said, “People come in through the door because they have a reason they want to be part of the company. But their desire for ‘greener pastures’ is often...

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Strategic Leadership Examples

Now that we’ve looked at a practical approach a leader can take in charting the course for their organization, let’s start working through some strategic leadership examples we can follow as we move intentionally toward the goals we’ve set for our organizations! But before I...

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Good or Bad, Teams Rally Around This…

If we were having this conversation face to face, I’m guessing you’d reply to what I shared last time by saying something like, “Alright Wes, if everything really does rise and fall on leadership, but you’re telling me it requires more than the carrot and stick status-quo,...

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I Run This Place; Of Course I’m a Leader!

Last time I shared something I first heard John Maxwell say more than a decade ago regarding voluntary turnover, “Some sources estimate that as many as 65% of people leaving companies do so because of their managers… The ‘company’ doesn’t do anything negative to...

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Intense Pressure to Deliver Results!

I remember a Friday evening phone call a few years back with a friend who was serving as CEO for a locally owned company that was experiencing almost unbelievable growth. He had been very tuned into the topline and bottomline revenue the entire time I knew him. I had also seen firsthand how...

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What’s Driving Your Team?

Last time, I shared an example that I hoped would help make the case for the clear difference between managing and leading an organization. One is just as important as the other and neither can be overlooked, but we cannot mistakenly consider those two very different actions to be one in the...

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How Do You Measure Success?

We closed last time by touching briefly on how critical it is to be able to measure tangible results as we work to avoid many of the reasons for why leadership training fails. Leading up to that, we looked at the wide variations in what’s even referred to as leadership training and we dug...

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