How to Build Company Culture

Core values matter in everything we do. Core values are the foundation of who you are - as an individual and as an organization.

A value is something you care enough about to lead from that place. 

Values influence and guide our behavior. 

Because company culture matters in everything...

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name...

If you’ve ever seen the 80s TV show Cheers you’re probably hearing the theme sound in your mind right now, wrapping up with the line “where everyone knows your name…” Whether it’s a friendly neighborhood basement bar in Boston, your favorite local restaurant...

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Jumping Ship...

The extended reach of high turnover certainly does its part in taking the wind out of our sails when it comes to how actively we are in driving our organization forward but it also takes a toll on our entire organization’s culture - in a couple of critical ways!

Before we go into those...

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The Cost of High Turnover

Over the last several years, I frequently referenced a study I initially found from Gallup that cited some Bureau of Labor Statistics data in saying that “According to a Gallup study, “The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that the U.S. voluntary turnover rate is 23.4%...

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Who You Partner With Matters

It is critical in partnerships that you choose to partner with individuals that reflect the behavior, the character, and the emotional intelligence that you want representing you.

If you own a business, you want your team to reflect professional and ethical behavior, the utmost character, and...

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Ignore It at Your Own Riskā€¦

If we’re not intentional about actively developing the leadership skills of each key individual on our teams, the areas where we’re likely hemorrhaging profit have very few bounds. Even the leaders who are incredibly strategic in defining exactly how they’ll implement each new...

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