Strategic Leadership Examples

Now that we’ve looked at a practical approach a leader can take in charting the course for their organization, let’s start working through some strategic leadership examples we can follow as we move intentionally toward the goals we’ve set for our organizations! But before I...

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Voices for Leadership: Your Pathway to Becoming a More Influential Leader

We are excited to announce our very own Wes Dove as a contributing author to the book Voices for Leadership:  Your Pathway to Becoming a More Influential Leader!

A new age has dawned. Prominent leaders, experts, and visionaries are digging deep to examine their shifting roles and...

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Strategic Leadership or Strategic Management?

A while back I heard Carly Fiorina differentiate managing from leading by saying, “Managers produce results within existing constraints and conditions. Leaders change or challenge existing constraints or conditions.” As I closed the last post that worked through a practical approach...

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“Improving an Organization’s Capacity”

I got us started down this path last time by stressing that someone in every organization needs to take responsibility for charting the course. I also emphasized that while it typically needs to be the business owner or CEO who casts the primary vision, they absolutely need to be able to count on...

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Someone’s Gotta Chart the Course!

In chapter four of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The Law of Navigation, John Maxwell tells us that “anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.” When Cindy and I originally developed Building Buy-in Around a Clear Mission and Vision for our Executive...

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Getting Strategic About Self-Leadership Skills

Since flipping the calendar to a new year, we’ve looked at just how important self-awareness and self-leadership can be for each of us - especially when we’re in a role where we carry the responsibility of leading others! We also looked at some tools we can use to really understand...

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I Run This Place; Of Course I’m a Leader!

Last time I shared something I first heard John Maxwell say more than a decade ago regarding voluntary turnover, “Some sources estimate that as many as 65% of people leaving companies do so because of their managers… The ‘company’ doesn’t do anything negative to...

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Self Awareness in Leadership is Crucial!

We started out last time by looking at some stats Travis Bradberry shared detailing how uncommon true self awareness really is in basically any role. Since our focus here is really on leadership, let’s dial in on that. I mean, if someone is in a leadership role, aren’t they far more...

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OK, You’re a Leader. Why Would Self-Awareness Even Matter?

Not long ago, Cindy and I were looking through options for using an Audible credit when we stumbled onto something new from John Maxwell. Having read (or listened to) just about everything John’s put out over the last twenty years, we were a bit surprised that we hadn’t heard of The...

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Accountability; the “Something Extra”…

If we want the kind of accountability we’ve been looking at to this point to have a cascading effect throughout our organizations, and to completely avoid being part of the current social status-quo of unaccountability, leading by example and holding our teams to high (but attainable)...

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Focused on We, Not Just Me…

I closed last time by referencing one of the most powerful quotes I’ve ever heard from John Maxwell, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” I remember sharing that quote with the manager I reported to several years ago when he complained about an issue in the facility we...

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The Importance of Accountability in Leadership

The higher we climb in our organizations, the stronger our expertise (typically) becomes within our respective areas of responsibility. Unfortunately, that often means we have little time - or energy - leftover to develop a high level of competency in the other areas of the business we’re a...

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