Purpose is a Precursor to Contribution!

Earlier I shared Marcus Buckingham’s comment about love being the most powerful force in business for driving behavior - except he probably spells it behaviour… In that same talk, he said that “love is the precursor to contribution,” and related it to the engagement we...

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Connecting It All to Our Purpose

I remember laughing out loud at my new boss during the first 60 day review I had experienced as a new employee since I was a teenager. In early October of 2014, I started a position with a new company for the first time since March of 1996. During that initial performance evaluation just two...

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How Each Thing Ties to Your ONE Thing

With that last reference to Jeff Henderson’s book Know What You’re FOR in mind, I want you to consider one more idea that still resonates with me several years after reading it for the first time. Make no mistake though, it was packed full of amazing ideas; this one just connects here...

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Leading with a Clear Purpose Drive Profitability!

If we’re going to connect the clear purpose we’re working toward with the kind of love that Marcus Buckingham described as “the most powerful force in business for driving behavior,” we’ll need to draw for the idea we looked at before in Prioritizing to Our Purpose...

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It’s a LOVE Thing, but What’s Love Got to Do With It?

If we’re going to keep a clear purpose that truly drives us to lead effectively at the top of our minds on a daily basis, understanding how we’re wired certainly matters, but our best long term results will be from pursuing something we love! As I said before though, the idea of...

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Purpose Keeps the Tank Full!

I’ve made a few references already in making a case for just how important it is for every leader to have a clear purpose that energizes them. Without having that in place, the challenges we face as we lead our teams can become more weight than we’re willing to carry, and I’ve...

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Prioritizing to Our Purpose

Once we’ve developed systems that tie back to how we’re wired and ensure we’re effective in keeping our purpose top of mind, there’s still a high likelihood that we’ll still have to juggle more tasks than we can ever get done on a given day. And while that can often...

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Keeping Our Purpose Top of Mind

By now, you should have at least a foundation for Why You Do What You Do and a reasonable understanding of How Our Wiring Impacts How We Purpose Our Purpose… With those things in place, let’s build on that so we can be sure we’re always keeping our purpose top-of-mind!

I want...

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A Clear Purpose for Achieving Exceptional Results

If you’re a leader with this final primary behavioral style, I have no doubt whatsoever that you’ve developed complete clarity around how each task you perform ties to your purpose and why all the other junk you deal with through the process shouldn’t bog you down. But...

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Having Fun While We Pursue Our Purpose

Just as much as I get fulfillment by getting things done, there’s a large group of folks who will thrive on having as much fun as they can while they work at achieving their purpose. While this group will likely be every bit as Outgoing and move at a pace that’s just as fast,...

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How We’re Wired From the Factory…

While I never played baseball beyond farm league, I did engage in beer league softball for an occasional tournament and with an actual team one fall season in my late teens and just barely into my twenties. I won’t elaborate on the primary appeal that had, I’ll stick to the actual...

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Connecting with Our Childhood Dreams

Finding clarity in a purpose that fulfills us through even the toughest issues we deal with as leaders will require a definite answer to the question Why do you do what you do? Like the vast majority of people I know, the field I ended up in for the bulk of my adult life had very little to do...

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