It sounds ridiculous that average would be considered as a core value. And it is ridiculous!! So why does it show up in the behaviors of our people all too often? Because it’s not talked about enough.
I (Cindy) believe we need to include in our messaging what average is...
Last time, we looked at how Jordan’s performance pulled other players to higher levels, whether they were playing with him or against him. Some of that was sheer competitive nature and some was out of desperation to prevent looking completely foolish… Regardless of the reason, the...
Let’s go back to that less than engaging experience I mentioned before where a fellow not named Bret Michaels soured my opinion of every bit of music he and his band had put out during their entire career… He and his band released an EP and five full studio albums before 1983 &...
Think back to the scenario I shared as we started digging into the biggest challenges we’re facing in the workplace today where my friend told his students they’d better have a really good excuse for not performing well in his class… He wasn’t just being harsh, he showed...
When we’re willing to be actively engaged in that arena we looked at last time, taking action to make a difference for the team we’re a part of and for the people we care about, we won’t likely have a lot of time left over to worry about pointing fingers or placing blame. To...
I’ll circle the wagons once more with that question my friend asked me recently; What are the biggest challenges you’re facing in the workplace today? As much as I’d like to, we can’t blame it all on the attorneys. I don’t even think the participation trophies I...
Since we’ve developed a foundation for some of the biggest challenges we’re facing in the workplace today, let’s move our focus so, just maybe, we can stop treating the symptoms and start addressing what’s actually causing those challenges! And even if we can’t...
A lot of lawyers and only a few plumbers… Again, just a symptom of what I believe is a far bigger issue!
Somewhere between 1992 & 1994, as I had entered the workforce and was beginning to consider what my next steps would be after high school, my dad lined up some time for me to talk...
With that story about how my friend provided his student a priceless life lesson fresh in your mind, let’s circle back to what I believe is one of the biggest challenges in the workplace today: too many lawyers! If you’re an NCIS fan, think Rule #13… “Never involve...
Over the last few weeks, I’ve started developing a friendship with a gentleman who teaches at a local university. I had seen him from a distance nearly every time I’ve been at the gym since Cindy and I moved our membership there six months or so ago, but we just hadn’t crossed...
If we want the kind of accountability we’ve been looking at to this point to have a cascading effect throughout our organizations, and to completely avoid being part of the current social status-quo of unaccountability, leading by example and holding our teams to high (but attainable)...
I closed last time by referencing one of the most powerful quotes I’ve ever heard from John Maxwell, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” I remember sharing that quote with the manager I reported to several years ago when he complained about an issue in the facility we...