In so much of what we’ve worked through in addressing each of the profitability killers to this point, I’ve referenced studies listing facts and data emphasizing the specific impact each one has on our bottom line. As much as I want to do that again here, contrasting the overall...
If you think back to one of the first things I called your attention to in this process of addressing these profitability killers, one of the things we covered as we looked at how it all starts at the top - or at least the best returns can be captured when that’s the case - was the...
I completely understand how many issues demand the attention of a business owner, an executive, a manager, and even front line supervisors every single day! But if we’re going to be the leader that truly does provide our team members with what they’re looking for - and deserve - from...
The only way we can learn through success is by learning from failures along the way.
John Maxwell is currently writing a book titled, Return on Failure. As a matter of fact, he will share things like…Do something so big that failure is the option. In other words, you likely won’t...
After a couple of references to a song so new as 2016, I feel like I need to mix in something from the hair band era to maintain my street cred so let’s think in terms of Shelter Me by one of the most talented bands ever included in that genre, Cinderella. After naming a list of vices...
If we really are tuned into what our team members are looking for from us as their leaders, we need to be intentional about providing them with the support they’ll need to accomplish their goals. Some of those goals tie right back to daily, weekly, or monthly productivity but those goals...
As we’ve worked through each of these individual profitability killers, my goal has been to provide you with some basic, practical steps you can take in applying specific behaviors that help you communicate with and lead your team members more effectively, making a measurable difference in...
Start planning now to attend the premier leadership and professional development event in the Shenandoah Valley on Friday, November 3, 2023 at Blue Ridge Community College's Plecker Workforce Center. The NINTH Annual LIVE2LEAD:Harrisonburg Experience with Dove Development & Consulting will...
Setting crystal-clear objectives for the changed behaviors we need to see after training and the results those behaviors should be yielding is certainly critical but stopping there will still leave quite a bit of profitability left unclaimed! A stark reality every leader will need to face is that...
When we worked through how confusion can kill profitability, the focus was based on how setting clear expectations for performance could have a direct impact on how and when things got done. To make sure that even the most targeted and best delivered training truly ensures growth, in our...
If you’re not sure how difficult and even awkward it is to unlearn and relearn something, try writing with your non-dominant hand. It’s very difficult when I (Cindy) give it a try!
It was Alvin Toffler, an American Businessman and author, who said, “The illiterate of the 21st...
Whether it’s the technical skills a new team member needs just to become competent in our respective industry, the leadership skills that are so very needed for anyone with responsibility for getting results through a team of people, or even the skills that are critical for our best...