The Power of Having a Clear Purpose

Any time I’m talking with a business owner, an executive, or really anyone with responsibility for attracting and retaining great team members, I share a critical lesson I learned early on during my time working in behavior based safety: people rarely shy away from tasks due difficulty,...

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The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Life and leadership are filled with good and bad.  Some of the good and bad will find us.  But if we have a positive life stance whether it’s the good or the bad finding us, we will keep the best perspective possible in any situation. 

In applying this to leadership, we need...

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Why Our Organization Needs a Clear Purposeā€¦

Just for the sake of setting a foundation, let’s assume we - as the leader of our team - have an incredibly clear purpose that gets us out of bed each morning, ready to charge hell with a water pistol! Let’s also assume that having that kind of clarity personally allows us to be able...

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Why EVERYONE Needs a Clear Purposeā€¦

If someone as driven as the friend I mentioned before can lose some motivation or feel burnout when they don’t feel like they’re making a meaningful impact, I’m convinced anyone with any level of leadership responsibility will too - sooner or later! And if business owners and...

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Why Leaders Need a Clear Purposeā€¦

If you really think about the challenge my friend shared with me in running one of his businesses, I’m betting you can relate! To that end, I think it’s safe to assume we’ve all felt that way at some point regardless of the role we’re in. In chapter eight of What’s...

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Leading with a Clear Purpose

During a phone call with a lifelong friend, I heard one of the most unique combinations of passion and despair that I can remember. He shared how he felt like he was just going through the motions in one aspect of his professional life, grinding his teeth through each project he completed, but...

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Should the Type of Organization Determine How We Lead?

If we think back to how we started this look at Leadership Misunderstood, the biggest myths we’ve taken aim at here were few but extremely common:

  • People automatically follow a business owner, executive, manager (or whatever other title you want to insert here) because their paycheck...
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Influence > Position or Title!

As we started down this path, I shared a piece of John Maxwell’s story about how he learned that influence was far more important than a title or position when it came to getting anyone to follow you. And let’s be honest: if no one is following, we ain’t leading!

To provide a...

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Does Leadership Always Matter?

Now that we’ve identified a few of the most common misconceptions (or myths) around how leadership impacts EVERY organization and we’ve connected the dots on how productivity and profitability come into play for nonprofits and public sector organizations just as much as they do for...

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Connecting the Dots

As we close every single lesson we share, whether it’s in-person or virtual that will end up on our digital platform, we challenge whoever we’re working with to identify one specific thing they can take action on immediately AND to detail the specific results they want to achieve in...

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Impacting EVERY Organization

I see or hear something every couple of months that gets me all riled up and on a soapbox calling attention to the stark differences between managing a group of people and actually leading a team. One of the biggest misconceptions I’ve seen is that those two words, leading and managing, can...

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How YOU Lead Matters!

Having addressed how the idea of leadership is so often misunderstood, tying back to some of the most common myths around leadership, and hashing out what it is and what it’s not, let’s dig into why it even matters before detailing some of the specifics you and I can each do to make...

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