Understanding Our Clear Purpose

The occasional compliment and the (now far less occasional) chance to observe the impact of we’ve had in helping someone navigate the roadblocks that come with a any leadership position as they climb their respective career ladder has gone a long way in providing us with confirmation that...

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Confirming Our Purpose

In the fifth lesson of our Emerging Leader Development course, Cindy and I share how important it is for anyone with leadership responsibility to build time into their routine to reflect on the progress they are making. All too often, those of us who take on the role of a leader get consumed with...

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New Opportunities Required More Growth

After nearly two decades with the same company, and most of that in one facility, I knew just about everyone I worked with daily on a first name basis. I also knew many of their family members and a fair amount about what the majority of them enjoyed doing during the little bit of time they had...

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Honing In On Our Purpose


While accepting similar positions with different companies wasn’t necessarily moving me toward a fulfilling purpose, working just nine or ten hours daily in those companies provided something I hadn’t experienced in years: time to pursue the things we had gotten that glimpse of...

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Achieving Purpose: Success in Work and in Life

Building purpose into any career path we help a team member pursue can provide a tremendous amount of fulfillment - for them and for us! Over time, the work we do to delegate tasks that provide them with exposure and build their overall skill set will also help us use our own time more...

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Finding Work/Life Harmony Through Purpose

In August 2015, I sat in a room with John Maxwell for what was the closest I had been to him in the decade and a half that I had been studying his work. If I’m being honest, I was completely overwhelmed. This session was just prior to the event where I would complete my initial...

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Nothing Hurts as Much With a Definite Purpose

From March 2013 to September 2014, less than half of the time in my full time role was dedicated to interviewing, hiring, and onboarding team members for roles throughout the manufacturing facility I worked for. In that time, I hired 225 people. Just out of curiosity, can you guess how many...

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Everyone Expects More but Few Ever Deliver

As we looked into What’s Love Got to Do With It?, I again referenced how our “employees’ willingness to exceed the call of duty” can “lead to a 57% improvement in discretionary effort” and “on average, a 20% improvement in individual productivity”...

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How Clear is Your Purpose?

Having looked at the importance of putting our purpose to words and showing the impact a purpose can have on pushing through some of the tougher times we’ll face when we accept responsibility for leading - through a high level look at how my own purpose has changed and grown over the last...

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Designing Love (and Purpose) Into the Experience

Since most leaders will have far more interaction with their teams than they’ll likely have with the majority of the clients they serve, we’ll go work through that in far more detail soon. But designing love and purpose into how our organizations operate will most definitely spill...

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Designing Love (and Purpose) Into the Organization

As leaders, the systems we create to help us manage our own routine and workload are critical - especially if we’re going to have a real shot at keeping even the clearest purpose top of mind. But we DO NOT have the luxury of stopping there! Building similar routines into our entire...

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Designing Love (and Purpose) Into Our Routine

Making sure we can dedicate close to twenty percent of our time to the things we love - those things that really connect with our clear purpose - can often be a huge challenge in itself. Even when we have some level of control over what we do and when, the responsibility of leading nearly always...

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