You’re Amazing! And You Can Be Even Better!
Nov 25, 2020
As we move from the DRIVEN folks we looked at last time who only make up about 10% of the population to this next group who are just as Fast-Paced and make up around 30% of everyone we’ll ever interact with, there are some very key differences we need to consider as we prepare to have a candid conversation!
While the individuals with the last primary behavioral style we looked at tend to lock onto the task at hand, our more INTERACTIVE team members will typically be more focused on the people who are involved than just what needs to be done. Their INFLUENTIAL nature is great for rallying the team together, but it can also lead them to get INVOLVED in more things that could ever possibly have time to see through.
This INSPIRING group loves to be in the spotlight any time they have a chance, and the perceptive their team members have of them is extremely important to them! While they truly feed off INITIATING fun activities for the groups they’re a part of, looking bad in front of those groups can bring on some IRRATIONAL behavior.
When we have situations that require us to be candid with our Outgoing and People-Oriented team members, we should do everything we can to address any issue in a setting that’s very private. I know that’s something we need to consider any time we’re going to engage in what Jeff Henderson referred to as “Alliance Feedback” but it’s an absolute here in order to alleviate any concern they’ll have of being seen in a negative light. Once we’ve done that, we need to be very intentional about pointing out the things they’re doing great and the value they bring to the team as a whole. This isn’t about ducking the issue, but showing our appreciation for who they are.
In addressing the area where they’re not necessarily exceeding expectations, we’d do well to focus on specific behaviors they can work to improve performance rather than placing blame on them as a person. As we provide them with steps they can take to improve, we should do what we can to keep their desire to have fun along the way in mind! If there’s just no way to build fun into the process, maybe we can find a way to celebrate their success when they’ve shown tangible improvement. Either way, we’re showing we value their needs and helping them be the best they can be!
Now that we've looked at steps we can take with around 40% of the population, we’ll need to tone it down a bit with the next group that’s nearly as large as these first two combined...