The Top Trait Universally Valued By People
Mar 08, 2021
A study mentioned in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth states, HONESTY is the top trait universally valued by people. Good to know and not a real surprise! As we are leading ourselves and leading others we are always honest, right? But how many times have you seen this and maybe it even happened to you: a stretch of the truth, a white lie, a version of truth, can hurt people and is not the truth. Of course, we have to stay away from any variance that is untrue and stay above board in all things.
The good news is our inside development is totally within our control. We will each face character choices determining not only our own growth but the value we can add to people. The right choices allow us to help people and not hurt them! Plus, the growth within ourselves is priceless.
In a recent Leading at the Next Level lesson, I (Cindy) shared the Law of Solid Ground which says, trust is the foundation of leadership. This particular lesson delved into What the Best Leaders Do to Consistently Uplevel Their Leadership. As you may have guessed, honesty and trust are values every good leader exhibits. Making the decision to be honest in everything you do is simple. But that doesn’t mean it will always be easy. Now you might say, what? I thought if you are an honest person just be honest right? Sounds easy enough.
Maybe you are like me and have experienced times you stood for honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing when others around you chose not to. Think of a time you stood for what was right and it cost you. You took a hit. I have found the hits we take enable more growth and impact than we could have ever had without that experience! Sometimes, the most difficult experiences give us the best growth, better direction, and a stronger foundation.
As you continue honing your leadership skills, we welcome you to join us. We’re glad you’re here but invite you to test drive our Leading at the Next Level program with this special 14 day- $1 trial offer! You can join in live, download a digital option or both. We hope to see you there!