Rethink Adversity
Dec 04, 2023
How we view things determines how we do things.
During my time working in Hospice, I gained a deep perspective that every day we get to do the things we do each day. At the time, I did not want to work. I wanted to be home with my children. Both our son and daughter were struggling in a variety of ways and I had a deep desire to be with them because they needed more of me. Our son had epilepsy, he suffered asthma attacks that often ended us up in the emergency room, and our daughter had anxiety. Wes and myself were both working more than full time because we financially had to during many of their early teen and teenage years. I wasn’t exactly seeing or re-thinking this adversity until I gained a better perspective.
The perspective that I get to do the things I was doing. Yes, I needed to work. But I gained the perspective that I had two wonderful kids and a dynamite husband that I get to love and take care of every day. My job helped provide for them and I found great purpose in what I did.
Perspective changed everything for me including my actions and attitude. I realized what I thought was adversity wasn’t at all. Eventually, I was able to work less. Then we started our own business which is full time but flexible. Now I’m able to spend more time with our kids and grandkids than I ever imagined!
Sometimes we need to rethink the adversities we are facing. This practice will help us lead better and be better. How are we viewing adversity? What is a better perspective to have? If the perspective gives you an energy shift, it may be a better way to rethink your adversity. Problems always provide us with greater opportunity if we think of them properly.