Managing Bad Experiences

growth intentional action intentional action for ongoing growth law of pain manage managing bad experiences opportunity strengthen Mar 16, 2021
hit a wall, stopped, detour, roadblock, bad experience, growth, opportunity

We have all been through painful experiences and will go through more. They seem to be an inevitable part of life but also offer some of our best opportunities to learn. The question is not will we go through painful experiences but will we grow through them.

Since the Law of Pain tells us, Good Management of Bad Experiences Leads to Great Growth, let’s ask ourselves the question: How are you choosing to grow through a bad experience? It’s also important to know where we have fallen short during a bad experience so we can determine to grow and be a better version of ourselves moving forward.

At times the only good that comes from a painful experience is GROWTH. And depending on the pain, sometimes that growth is in just getting up off the floor. Standing again. I (Cindy) have been there and not just once! Standing again. Eventually gaining strength to start moving even if you can't see the way. And the courage to believe in and take action towards a better future.

Your pain could be grief, it could be lost relationships, disappointment, conflict, betrayal, hardships, inexperience, new territory, personal challenges, it could even be you... don't be your own worst yourself and if you don't; growth will help you realize how awesome you are!

In knowing that every problem introduces a person to himself, what have we learned about ourselves through a painful process? How can we continue to strengthen our foundation for those inevitable hits that will come?

Faith, hope, love, personal growth, intentional action toward a better tomorrow...this is my formula but you make your own... maybe it looks like this and maybe it's different but make it a formula that works for you!

If you or someone you know would like an opportunity to grow alongside us and hone your skills in our complimentary Intentional Action for Ongoing Growth courses... You can check them out here and continue or start your growth journey today!