How Well Is Your System Working?
Feb 25, 2021
I remember learning the Law of Design which says, to maximize growth, develop strategies. What a relief… I had strategies! At the time, I had a system that allowed me to get two young children up each morning, safely delivered to school or childcare, as a single Mom and even get some form of exercise before they woke. Granted, this was on days when no one was sick, had a bad night, or mornings when I faced a child who was attempting to be in charge of the house… and everything else for that matter.
Life felt more like survival than a sense of thriving but at least I had a system, right?! I didn’t say it was always pretty but it was always attempted and helped us have structure even on the tough days. It wasn’t until I delegated responsibility to my children that we were able to create good habits and have a smoother transition each morning, not to mention more fun together!
The truth is…we all have a system. The question is…how well is our system working for us? Even if you don’t think you have a system in place you do … and it’s called habits! My habit was doing everything for my kids each morning and I was heading into a state of exhaustion. As with me, habits can be working for you or they can be working against you. And some habits can really help while others can downright hinder!
Even when we set out to create better habits for ourselves, we can only operate from our current state of awareness. I became aware of the need to delegate some of the responsibility for our morning routine. Who knew my ‘in charge’ child actually needs to be in charge of himself and get himself out the door! When I put Matthew in charge of getting his shoes on, loading his things into the car, placing himself in his seat… all the important stuff… everything changed. The book bag remained a challenge but we had created much better habits!
Learning the Law of Design and realizing my children and I were missing the component of growth - of being better tomorrow than we are today- increased my awareness so I could fill the gaps with much needed growth for each of us. The more you add in the component of growth the better your tomorrows will be too!
Because of the impact personal growth continues to have in my life is exactly why I provide the Intentional Action For Ongoing Growth courses – where we study the Laws of Growth and take intentional action towards reaching our desired destination. All while finding joy in the journey! This course is complementary so you have nothing to lose but frustration and wasted time trying to make things work that were never supposed to. Start creating better habits today for yourself and those counting on you!