Finding Your Passion and Reaching Your Potential
Feb 03, 2021
Consider the need and value of passion in our lives. Without passion we would simply be trudging along kind of numb and with no excitement. That means today, there would be nothing we are excited about. And nothing we’re excited about tomorrow, or next week. Rather than drifting along allowing passion to pass us by, we need to bring more passion into our lives by simply choosing to think about what we want in our future.
Passion is a thought process you can choose at any time. If you don’t believe me (Cindy) just think about your next trip to the beach, the fun you have with your best friend, or the way your dog greets you when you arrive home. If none of these work for you, how about that cup of coffee you’re going to enjoy in the morning? I’m really passionate about my morning coffee!
I like the definition of passion offered by Merriam-Webster which states; a strong feeling of excitement or enthusiasm for something or about doing something.
That’s exactly the way I want to show up in life! How about you? How do you feel and what energy are you willing to put into your thought process to create more passion in the things you do?
I was talking with a client who was at a crossroads and unsure of what she’s passionate about putting her time and energy into moving forward. The simple question of “what would you like to do?”, helped her bridge the gap from where she was to where she wanted to be. This is a question of direct passion. Give it a try, it may be helpful for you too!
There's a definite connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential. John Maxwell tells us why in 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Here’s a few he shares:
*Passion gives you an advantage over those who don't have it
*Passion gives you energy
*Finding your passion connects to your heart
*Connection to yourself increases your awareness and helps you grow
Think about the times having passion has helped you in an area of life. Then decide how you’ll make sure to be more excited, energetic, and enthusiastic on a daily basis to make passion work for you - and remember it starts in your mind!