Finding Opportunity in Defining Moments

defining moments defining moments in leadership leadership decisions leadership opportunity opportunity Mar 06, 2023

The definition of opportunity from the Oxford dictionary goes like this:  a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. 

Going back to my (Cindy) message titled, Defining Moments, Pivotal Decisions, we are reminded our character and values will be revealed as we continue to meet defining moments and make pivotal decisions that shape the future of our leadership. When we make decisions ahead of time on what our values and character really are, then when the crucible comes the decision is already made.

With this in mind, it would do us good to ask ourselves some tough questions around how we are doing...

What is your track record so far?

How are you managing your decisions?

How prepared are you for defining moments in the future?

What about your people?

In a recent Forbes article, Defining Moments are What Make Good Leaders Great, made some excellent points on why defining moments make us better leaders if we handle them in the right way…


  • Power of defining moments, crucibles, 
  • Conquering adversity
  • Transformation.  The most important part of defining moments is arguably how we choose to use them — how we respond to change and adversity. 


All very good points!

Research by Warren Bennis and his co-author Bob Thomas showed that “…the skills required to conquer adversity and emerge stronger and more committed than ever are the same ones that make for extraordinary leaders.”

The opportunity found in each defining moment is exponential.  And your choices will determine your direction in life.